Greene Township, Franklin County, Pennsylvania, 1145 Garver Lane Chambersburg, PA 17202

Brush & Leaf Collection


Spring & Fall Collection


Next scheduled collection:   Fall of 2023

Greene Township offers curbside brush and leaf collection twice a year.  One beginning in early spring and the other late fall.  We post start dates on our website and Facebook page as the dates approach.

Guidelines for collection. The brush and leaves must be placed for pickup on the first day of their respective collection schedules. The collection crew will make ONE pass through the Township.  Please place your brush and rake your leaves to the edge of your yard, no further than 4 feet from the edge of the pavement of the road.  Do not bag your leaves.   Brush should be no longer than 8 feet in length and no bigger than 3 inches in diameter.  Place brush PARALLEL to the road.  The brush and leaves must be on separate piles in order for the Township machinery to collect it. If the brush and leaves are not separated, they will not be collected.  Please avoid placing brush and leaves next to mailboxes, fence posts, etc. as they can be damaged by the equipment and please do not place your leaves on a tarp.

It normally takes a few weeks to complete the entire Township, so we ask for your patience during collection.

Our Composting Facility is open year-round for drop-off.